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Company Name Dropdown Issue

Last post 07-05-2011 2:03 PM by Wavetec. 2 replies.
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  • 06-30-2011 3:56 PM

    Company Name Dropdown Issue

    I'm not sure what happened but all of a sudden today, all of our Customer Name Dropdowns on all of our screens are referring to the Record ID instead of the Name of the Customer.  I'm not sure why.  I've looked in the tables and nothing seems changed.  I can't make it a unique field because it's not a field I can change.  Any ideas?

    Thank you,
  • 06-30-2011 5:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Company Name Dropdown Issue

    Is this happening to ALL dropdows? Including ones on our original screen or just your customized screens? This one is difficult to review over the forums. Can you please do the following:

    1. Enable MethodSupport
    2. Post (or email me directly) the Method account name
    3. Provide step-by-step details on how to get to one of the dropdowns and explain what it should be listing vs. what it is listing.

    Screen Name>>>Section>>>Dropdown Name

    Let us have a quick look before we post back with more details.


    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services.

    Valbon Shabani
    Director of Education
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 ext. 715
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 ext. 715
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 07-05-2011 2:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Company Name Dropdown Issue


    Hey Val,

    I fixed it over the weekend.  It was weird.  I found a similar dropdown on a "read only" page I made so I knew the process still worked.  I'm just not sure why it stopped on my other screens.

    Basically, I added a generic dropdown to the screen and then copied all the "text change" processes from the original dropdown over to the generic one.

    Then I removed the Customer dropdown that didn't work.  Saved. Closed.

    I logged back in, went to the screen, and added the "customer dropdown" back to the screen.  copied over the "text change" processes from the generic one and deleted the generic one.  Saved.  Tested.


    It worked.  Not sure what happened but it works now.



    Thank you,
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