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Can't save in Field Services module

Last post 12-19-2011 8:37 AM by Method_Michael. 12 replies.
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  • 04-27-2009 8:22 PM

    • jrpink
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    • Joined on 11-06-2007
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    Can't save in Field Services module


    I am just getting started and when I try to save a new work order in the field services module I get the following error:

    Please make sure an input control for 'ActivityTypeRef' is on the screen and a value is entered.
    Additional Information
    Action Sequence Order:5

    Please advise,



  • 04-28-2009 8:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module


    Hey John, Welcome to Method!


    Yesterday we had some updates going out on the site with the field services tab, However, the updates are complete and I've gone ahead and tested this on my end and it seems to work fine now. Please let us know if you are having any further problems.

  • 05-19-2009 10:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module

    Hi Ryan,

    Could there be other reasons for this?  I am experiencing it now, however I am new and it may be user error on my part.


    Thanks much!

    Dennis B.


  • 05-20-2009 10:23 AM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module


    Hey Dennis,


    I've gone back and looked over this issue again. Still I am not able to produce this error, did you fill in the whole screen?


    Usually this error means there is a required field that’s missing. Double check that you have filled in all the fields and then try and save.


    If you get an error, copy and past it into the forum. Also what button are you selecting when you get this error.

    Save, Save and New, Save and Close???


    Once we get some more information ill be able to let you know if it's a user related issue.


  • 07-03-2009 12:11 PM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module

     I am experiencing the same problem... I have entered data into all the fields and still get the error 'ActivityTypeRef' when I try to save. 

    Furthermore when I try to add a job item I get an error 'please save the screen before adding any line items'.

    When I click any of the save buttons I get the 'ActivityTypeRef' error message.

  • 07-03-2009 4:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module

    Hey Stephanie,

     Have you made any changes to this page? When I use the screen it works fine. The message about saving the screen before adding a line item is normal. A Work Order is an Activity, and you must save the Activity before you can add line items to it. By clicking Save you should eliminate this, this screen works like this by design and it is not a bug.

    Stephanie : What else is the message reading, it should say more than that. Try clicking refresh on the page if you get this message, if it happens again post the complete error message and we will work on finding out what is causing it.


  • 12-13-2011 12:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module

    I believe I have a problem similar to this one. Mine is not in the Field Services module, however, I am receiving this message when I try and update an activity for an opportunity:

    Please make sure an input control for 'Name' is on the screen and a value is entered.

    Additional Information

    Action Sequence Order:9

    All required fields on the screen have info in them. I am new to the customization on this program. In creating a new opportunity screen I changed some fields in the opportunity table. I don't believe I changed any others but may be forgetting some. I changed the Tab to point back to the original opportunity screen, however, the error is still there which leads me to believe its an error from a table (sorry if that is an obvious assumption). It seems to give this error when Save Opportunity or Save Opportunity, Activity, & New Activity are pressed. Maybe I need to have a list of the original tables and required fields as they were.

    Any ideas on where to check for this? 

  • 12-13-2011 9:38 AM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module


    Are you using Method for QuickBooks online or Method for QuickBooks desktop?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 12-13-2011 5:28 PM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module

    We use QB Online.

  • 12-14-2011 9:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module


    Thanks for the info. A ticket has been created for this I will update this forum post once it is resolved.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 12-16-2011 10:59 AM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module


    This issue should now be resolved.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 12-16-2011 6:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module

    Thank you, Michael.

    Was this something that I could have avoided in my customization endevors since I am the main customization guru (term used extremely loose) in our company? Only asking to avoid the situation if possible in the future as more customization will be done. 

    Thanks again,

  • 12-19-2011 8:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Can't save in Field Services module



    This was an issue on our end and there was nothing you could do on your end to resolve it. It wasn't customization related.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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