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button options missing

Last post 10-05-2011 3:39 PM by John M. 2 replies.
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  • 10-05-2011 2:39 PM

    button options missing


    FieldServices>Work order list>Checked work orders>More Actions button

    There use to be options that showed up when i pressed the More actions button. Now they are missing.  After looking around my created froms, buttons that had options when pressed are all missing now.

    This is a user created form

    This was working a few weeks ago.

    I see that forms that i did not make changes to are working. 

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, John M


  • 10-05-2011 2:52 PM In reply to

    Re: button options missing

    Hi John-

    Try editing the screen and clicking Publish to republish it and then test it again.

    If the issue still exists let me know and I will create a ticket for it.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 10-05-2011 3:39 PM In reply to

    Re: button options missing


    Hey it works.  Thanks!

    John M

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