Hi LaCrews,
There are many possible return messages, Most revolve around bad data being entered. For example, a required field is not entered, an invalid email address is entered, etc. At this time I do not have a full listing of all possibilities since we try to be as specific as possible.
However I can tell you the big 3 messages to watch for
1. Success
-everything worked fine
2. SuccessSendToDesktop
-everything worked fine and a call to the sync engine was made
3. Failure. The API could not validate your log in. Please make sure you have entered the correct Company Account, User and Password, and that each are spelt correctly. Also, ensure that this User has been configured for Method API access by going to Customize > Users, editing the User, and ensuring that there is a check in the 'Is Allowed to Connect via MethodAPI' checkbox.
-This should be relatively rare, it is our generic catch all. This is usually returned when we have an internal error, e.g. (trying to create an account when we are doing some kind of backend server maintenance)
Anything outside those 3 should provide you with enough information to resolve the data issue.