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Deleting a lead or customer

Last post 02-13-2012 12:37 PM by Anonymous. 2 replies.
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  • 02-13-2012 9:34 AM

    Deleting a lead or customer

    When a user deletes a customer in Method what happens in QB to that customer?  is there a report that i can get that would show me all deleted, when i could inactivate or delete in QB if not automatic?

    These customers that my telemarketers are deleting is due to the fact the contact/business does not exsist.  

    CEO / President
    Marlin Imaging Supply
  • 02-13-2012 11:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Deleting a lead or customer



    Hi Marlin Imaging, 

    When you delete the customer in Method. it will automatically delete the customer in QuickBooks. We currently don't have a standard report in Method that will show you all of the customers that were deleted in Method or QuickBooks. 

    You can though create your own custom report in Method and I would start off by watching the following webinars as a starting point. I would first view the webinar titled Introduction to Designing Report: Level 1 here, Introduction to Designing Report: Level 2 here, and Tips and Tricks for Designing Reports here. After you watch the webinars, please don't hesitate to post a question here on the forum and the tech team will response promptly. 

    To also help you further, we have our other Method Webinars on Method CRM, customization of the product, and the other appications that we have here

    In regards to your comment about the fact that your telemarketers are deleting these customers, I would consider these contacted customers as Leads in Method rather then Customers if these are brand new potential customers that were not contacted yet. If they are truly leads, then they would not appear in QuickBooks unless the were converted to a customer in Method. 

    I hope that this helps. 



  • 02-13-2012 12:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Deleting a lead or customer


    Hi Marlin Imaging, 

    I just wanted to add additional information to my post response. In Method we have an Audit Trail that can show you the deletions that were done on the customer table. To find out the customers that were deleted from the customer table within the Audit Trail, you need to do the following:

    1. Go to QuickBooks > Audit Trail.
    2. In the Action filter, type in DEL.
    3. In the Table Name filter type in Entity.
    4. Click on the Refresh button to refresh the information.
    5. Click on the Export To Excel button to get a quick output of the information outputted from your filter selection.

    If you would like to learn more about how to make the above information output in a report format, I would recommend that you have a look at the webinars I suggested at your convenience.  

    In addition, if the customer that you want to delete is already found in QuickBooks and has transactions, Method will only send the request to delete but QuickBooks does not actually allow you to delete customers with transactions. If you are noticing that you are not able to delete the customer for some reason go to QuickBooks > Resolve Conflicts and read the message for each conflict and make the changes it is suggesting in either Method or QuickBooks.

    I hope that this helps. 


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