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[Bug?] Issues controlling decimal places for "sales tax total" on multiple screens

Last post 03-27-2012 12:53 PM by Method_Paul. 1 replies.
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  • 03-27-2012 12:39 PM

    [Bug?] Issues controlling decimal places for "sales tax total" on multiple screens

    It's a very minor issue, but perhaps a bug...

    I've noticed that while most fields on my custom screens (quotes, sales orders, invoices, etc) adhere to the formatting conditions I establish (ie using the "$" prefix, along with only 2 decimal places), the Sales Tax Total is a rebel without a cause. On some screens it displays 3 decimal places, on others 4, and changing the decimal place format from 2 to any other number doesn't affect it.

    What's more, once the Sales Tax has gone screwy, the Total field loses its own formatting requirement, and adopts the extra decimal places of the Sales Tax. The fields before Sales Tax do not seem to be affected.


    Also, I tried this out on the original Quickbooks_SalesOrder screen, as well as a direct duplicate, and had the same issue. I'm using tax %s that we had created in Quickbooks, but it doesn't seem to matter what the actual % is.

    Can anyone duplicate this?


  • 03-27-2012 12:53 PM In reply to

    Re: [Bug?] Issues controlling decimal places for "sales tax total" on multiple screens


    @smohyee - We resolved something recently in the "labs" version that sounds identical to that.  It's a rounding issue.  Once the lab version moves from our internal testing site to the public production "staging" site, you'll be able to make sure it solves it for you. We're likely calling the next version the "April version", so keep an eye out for the release.



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