relating back to my other post other the top of my head it turns out the admins where being noobs and not filling out ship in data in hte customer pages but we have finally got round to the problem and its not so much a problem more of a quality of life change.
ok so in customer we have the basic fields
Customer name: testing@skoosh
Company name: Test Skoosh Customer
First name: M.I:
etc etc
and finally
Ship to which is filled out with the agent adress (all our clients are big estate agents and use them as a primary customer where as the job is the sub customer.
so everything is working good so we create the job
customer name: 254testingave
etc etc
fill in the ship to (cleaning address)
and leave bill to address blank
we create hte final job
customer name: testing@skoosh:254testingave
shipping address is filled with 254testingave's address but ship to is left is there anyway we get the bill to address fields to auto complete from the primary customers bill to details.
sorry for long winded post again hopefully its easier to read then my last ones