Hello again swm023,
swm023:What is the best way for him (us) to create a subcustomer when an opportunity closes and be able to create invoices and have everything sync correctly with QB?
Not sure how well this will work for you but what some of our clients do is create a new
Customer and select the "parent customer" using the
Job of Customer field in Method. I added a "sub customer", referred to as a Job, named
Ashur2. Now if I go back and
perform a search for the customer I just added you will see it listed as a
Customer:Job in the
Existing Customer Contacts List screen.
swm023:Futhermore, can docs uploaded through SmartVault link to the sub-customers in both QB and Method or only the cusotmers?
Yes you can upload docs to SmartVault then link them to an existing
Customer:Job in Method. You would need to ensure your documents are uploaded to
Method Documents folder in your SmartVault account. I
attached the document
to my new Job (Ashur2) and it is
only assigned to him, not the parent customer.
- Ashur