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Default Currency Symbol

Last post 03-21-2013 12:14 PM by ubiquitas. 2 replies.
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  • 03-21-2013 7:54 AM

    Default Currency Symbol

    ok, i realise this is a stupid question. But I'm UK based, and my PDF invoices etc are showing $ and not £.

    I've been to Customise > Display > Default Currency Symbol

    I've tried putting GBP and £ in there - still my invoices show $'s

    what am I missing ???


    p.s. in report designer preview it shows £ symbols just fine Indifferent

  • 03-21-2013 12:05 PM In reply to

    Re: Default Currency Symbol


    Hi ubiquitas,

    That's not a stupid question at all! There is actually a very similar post here. Basicallyif the Format String of the field in the Report Designer is set to "c2" then the PDF will use your browser regional settings to determine the currency symbol. 

    - Jason

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  • 03-21-2013 12:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Default Currency Symbol

    that's done it - thanks !

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