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Drop down Menus

Last post 05-14-2013 8:37 AM by Method_Jason. 1 replies.
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  • 05-13-2013 7:30 PM

    Drop down Menus


    I created a dropdown menu to allow the selection of an employee that will be associated with the client's account.  This dropdown has  it's own table and is referenced in multiple screens (i.e. new opportunity and customer screens), including a web form that is available for clients to make online requests through our website.  I added more employees and cannot figure out how to add their names to this dropdown list without having to delete the field and associated table and create a new one.  Please advise, as it seems to me that the only way to fix this problem is to delete the table altogether along with the associated fields and start over.



  • 05-14-2013 8:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Drop down Menus


    Hi Ben, 

    We actually have a Help Center article that explains how to add/edit selections in a dropdown list. You can find it hereBasically, when you create the dropdown field a screen is automatically created with the same name. From this screen, you can add add/edit employees. 


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