I have a custom field that applies to customers called "Dormant" and I assign it to certain customers that haven't closed, but aren't leads either. I built a custom screen to check the rows of customers that I want to remain dormant and I have 2 buttons: "Make Dormant" and "Make Customer".
The problem I run into is that I filter the grid for a particular customer (to find it), check the row, and then press, say, the "Make Dormant" button. The problem I run into is this:
I assume that using the checkbox at the top of the grid to check all of the customers in the grid, and then unchecking it, would clear all the checkboxeds in the grid. But sometimes I refreshed the grid before doing all the unchecking, and I was still in the original filter, so not all customers ended up being unchecked when I went to do it again. I have to be extra careful and would like to automate it.
I thought about a hidden button called "Clear Checkboxes" that could be pressed as an action for both of the other buttons at the end. But now I have 2 issues:
First, how do I do a series of actions to clear checkboxes? Second, when you use the "Loop through Grid" action, subsequent actions apply only to the filtered results of the table. That is, if I filter the grid for "ABCCompany" and then press the "Clear Checkboxes" button, it will only apply to actions to the filtered grid. How do I write actions to clear the filter first as well?