No, the Sales Order that each of the items are linked to is not closed (manually or otherwise).
There was an Invoice created that was linked to this Sales Order but was deleted. In fact, I think there were actually 2 Invoices created then subsequently deleted. This is the 3rd invoice created. All of the Invoice line items are linking back to a Sales Order.
It's weird...the conflict details (xml request data) show a TxnLineID set for each of the invoice line items but when I export the InvoiceLine table, the TxnLineID data is empty for each of these rows.
I'm just trying to understand how something like this happens so I can put in place some sort of safeguard going forward (be it technical in nature or simply a process to follow) to prevent these sorts of errors.
I wish I could throw out the message being sent to QB for the invoice and just hit 'save' again in Method with the current data to generate a new message. Is there a way to do this?
This invoice has already been sent to the customer so I don't want to delete this invoice and re-create it b/c the system would gen. a new customer facing Inv Number.