Hi Kathy,
You can add fields to tables by navigating to Customize > Tables / Fields in Method and selecting Edit Fields... for the appropriate table.
If it's a new, custom field you want to add, give it a name and select the appropriate Field Type from the dropdown, then click Add Field.
If you want to add a field that exists in another table, you'll have to create a link between the two tables. You can do this by adding a Dropdown type field to the table and selecting a second table as the list of available dropdown values. I'll use your ItemService field as an example:
- Add a Dropdown field to your Customer table, I named mine "ServiceItem"
- In the Dropdown Wizard that pops up, select Choose from an existing Table and click the Next button
- Select the ItemService table from the dropdown and click the Next button
- Select the field you would like to display in your dropdown, I chose FullName
You can also add a Linked Field to a table if you like, which makes other fields for selected dropdown values available in the current table. For example, if you wanted to have the Sales Description for the selected Service Item displayed on your Edit Customer screen, you could add the SalesDescription field to the Customer table, linking it using the ServiceItem dropdown you created above, and then place the linked Sales Description field on your screen. Please note, the value in this field will be dependent on the value selected in your dropdown, so if you select "Item A" as your Service Item, your Linked Description field will contain Item A's Description.
Keep in mind that for any fields you add to a table, you'll also have to place them on your screen through customization, which can be accessed from Customize > Screens in Method.
You mentioned you wanted to add Opportunity to your Customer table, however I should point out that there is already a grid for opportunities on the Edit Customer screen. From your Edit Customer screen, click on the Opportunities tab near the bottom of the screen. Since a customer or lead can have multiple opportunities, we use this grid to display a list of them. It includles such fields as Close Date, Assigned To and Probability, and can be customized to include any other fields from the Opportunity table.
Hope this helps.
- Justin