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Print Preview Error

Last post 01-29-2015 10:35 AM by Method_Justin. 7 replies.
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  • 01-26-2015 5:01 PM

    Print Preview Error

    Received the following message when trying to open print preview in an estimate.  I assume that there is a field on the form that is not correct, but how does one diagnose that?

    "Error Action sequence order:3 ERROR: there was an unspecified erroe loading the report.  PLease check your Gereate report action to ensure all fields are setup properly, and that the report loads correctly in the report designer."

  • 01-27-2015 9:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Print Preview Error

    Hi sunburstaz,

    Which browser are you using? Would you mind trying a different browser and reporting back here on the results?

    - Justin

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 01-27-2015 10:51 AM In reply to

    Re: Print Preview Error

    Internet explorer.  All other forms are OK.   Just the one I recently modified.   Method sits on a  right networks desktop.  I can’t add application without going through them.  I can ask to have that provisioned, but will take some time.  Which browser do you recommend?
  • 01-27-2015 11:04 AM In reply to

    Re: Print Preview Error


    You can login to Method from any machine, it's only the Method Integration Engine that needs to be on a specific machine or hosting platform.

    On your own computer, use Firefox or Chrome and go to Login from there, test your report and let me know the result.

    - Justin

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 01-27-2015 1:10 PM In reply to

    Re: Print Preview Error

    same result.

  • 01-27-2015 2:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Print Preview Error

    Hi sunburstaz,

    Would you try to preview the report in Report Designer? You can do this by clicking the "Preview" button on the top-left of the bottom section of the Designer:

    Let me know the result.

    - Justin

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 01-27-2015 4:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Print Preview Error

    that is the problem.  I bring up a dialog box with code.  both in report writer as well as print preview in method

  • 01-29-2015 10:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Print Preview Error


    Hi sunburstaz,

    Could you try again? This may have been related to an issue we were having. If it's still happening, it may be due to a bad script or field in your report.

    - Justin

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
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