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Multicurrency on Header and Footer of Estimates, WO, SO and Invoices

Last post 05-22-2015 10:55 AM by Method_Audisho. 1 replies.
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  • 05-22-2015 10:12 AM

    • Marco
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 12-03-2014
    • Honduras
    • Posts 24

    Multicurrency on Header and Footer of Estimates, WO, SO and Invoices

    One of my issues is related with the currency field in Estimates, Work Orders, Sales Orders and Invoices. It is not actually working. I mean if I choose a Customer and I include the currency code field to show in the form only home currency will show, and if a Customer has another currency code it won't show. We need users to know the currency of the Customer:Job in all the templates.

    I have another problem with default currency symbol in the Display preferences. I want it to be blank but it can't be left blank. I need the Customer's currency to show in the footer. I don't see the practical use of this feature.


    Marco López
  • 05-22-2015 10:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Multicurrency on Header and Footer of Estimates, WO, SO and Invoices


    Hi Marco,

    I recently wrote a post on how you can handle currency symbols when dealing with multi-currency. I’ll quote my answer below, as I believe this applies to what you are attempting. If you have any follow up questions, feel free to post back.


    Within Method, the currency symbol is hardcoded in numeric fields on Step 4.

    You can circumvent this by removing the symbol from the field and instead using a label to display the symbol. Create some actions on your OnScreenLoad and TextChange of the Currency dropdown events for populating the label(s).

    As for reports, you can handle this a few different ways. If you want the currency symbol to be displayed based on the user’s region setting of their computer, simply change the format string of the field to “{0:C2}”.

    Additionally, you can set the currency symbol based on the currency of the transaction in one of two ways. One would be to add each money field to the report multiple times setting the format string to match a specific currency. The default format string “{0:$0.00}” will work for this, just modify the symbol. Then use conditional formatting to display the correct field(s) based on the selected currency.

    Another way would be to write a script that would do essentially the same thing except that it would update the format string of the field so that you would not need to add it to the report multiple times.

    Does this answer your question? Let me know if you need any further clarification.

    I hope this helps.


    Audisho Sada
    Product Manager
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
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