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Any way to make Method system faster?

Last post 07-29-2015 11:33 AM by Method_Morty. 3 replies.
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  • 07-28-2015 10:02 PM

    Any way to make Method system faster?


    it is about the performance about Method system.

    I once asked this kind of questions, and did several changes to my codes/tables and gain a bit speed, however, still not be able to do everyday job smoothly. From time to time, the waiting icon just keeps running and running. We have 8 accounts using Method concurrently. My office uses AT&T with 10M bandwidth, is it enough? Or, what is the preferred bandwidth to run Method via browser?

    Or, if my internet bandwidth is ok, if you have any paid service that I can purchase to move my Method program to a faster environment? Thanks.


    Chief Architect
    Yi Systems, Inc.
  • 07-29-2015 9:26 AM In reply to

    Re: Any way to make Method system faster?

    Hey Alex,

    First I want to start by making sure you are not running into this issue we were having last week: take a look at THIS thread.

    When you say your office is using 10M bandwidth is that 10Mbps or 10mb/s down? The latter is more than sufficient.

    We do not have a paid service, it shouldn't be too long till Method works a lot faster and snappier as we are consistently working on speed gains. Some advice you can pass along to your teams that may help improve the speed.

    If you're using Internet Explorer, try Firefox/Chrome. Also opening multiple websites can slow down the speed. For instance, if you are using Internet Explorer for Method and you have 4 other websites opened either in a new tab or a new window in Internet Explorer, this would result in more processes being ran and it can slow down the performance. It may appear as though Method is slow but it actually the browser that is using up the resources. For testing purposes, you can try opening Firefox/Chrome and log into Method and for all other websites use a different browser other than Firefox/Chrome and see if it helps. The speed of your internet connection would also affect the performance. Perhaps, try logging into Method on a different computer and see if the speed is the same. If it is faster, then it could be that your computer itself is slow/doesn't have a lot of RAM.

    - Mortaza

    Morty Barighzaai
    Customer Success Manager
  • 07-29-2015 11:21 AM In reply to

    Re: Any way to make Method system faster?

    Hi Mortaza,

    Thanks for information. We'll try the way you suggest, and hopefully we don't have to wait too long for speed improvement.

    By the way, the forum link you provide seems down, can you check it?

    Our internet bandwidth is 10Mbps (3xT1), normally, we can get 7.5-8. We do use Chrome (and upgrade to version 45 yesterday by following one of forum post.) All our windows PC are purchased new this year, with 3Ghz CPU, 16GRam, and SSD. We do have to open multiple web-pages in browser because of our everyday job needs. 



    Chief Architect
    Yi Systems, Inc.
  • 07-29-2015 11:33 AM In reply to

    Re: Any way to make Method system faster?

    Hey Alex,

    Sorry about that updated the address, here is the LINK. It does relate to the Chrome bug that was happening, but I see you already did upgrade.

    That should be more than adequate to run Method from the client side of the connection. I'll update our thread here as soon as I hear about any upgrades/changes from the server side of things. It is a top priority for Method to continue improving speeds both by refactoring the platform code as well as upgrading and increasing server bandwidth.

    - Mortaza

    Morty Barighzaai
    Customer Success Manager
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