We sent a mailer as part of a campaign just before we started using Method. In importing these leads into Method, I originally hoped (and assumed) we could just include the name of a campaign (already created) along with other fields while doing the lead import, and do it all at once. I learned that this is not possible, since Contacts and Campaign data are in separate tables from Customer. Apparently you have to import data into these tables separately.
Trying to tackle that bear, I assumed it would be possible for me to import the leads without the campaign data into the Customer table, export them from the Customer table to get their RecordID, set up a spreadsheet with the Campaign set to the appropriate campaign name formatted for the Contacts table, and do an import update. Wrong - it complained that the Campaign field was read-only. I then checked and realized that the field is a dropdown that points to the Name field in the Campaigns table. The Campaigns table does not have the RecordID, since its data are not record-specific.
SO, does anyone know whether it is at all possible to update these records with the appropriate Campaign using the import function? I reeeeally hope our staff does not have to go in and set this flag manually because there are hundreds of records and we have other campaigns that would need this done as well.
Thanks for the assistance.