With QB desktop we could combine customers in QB and it would combine on the crm side as well. Now if we combine customers in QBO it causes issues with one of the cutsomers in CRM showing up as (deleted) and transactions and notes no longer synch to or from CRM on either account (at least I think that is what is happening, I am not sure as it appears that the customers that we combined before we learned of the issue exhibit irradic behavior).
How can we combine customers without causing issues?
Unfortunately, combining customers is something we have to do often as some of our customers will create multiple accounts on our website when they have new personel ake orders or if they forget their credentials:(
In addition, we will sometimes have to combine custoemrs who have activities and past transactions, with QB desktop these things were consolidatetd when the accounts were merged, but now I am not sure how to handle this...
What is the current proper protocol with QBO?
Thank you for your help!!!