I'm working with a client on a project which involves pulling their Method data to a local database for reporting purposes (Using VB.Net).
I'm using the API call MethodAPISelect_DataSetV2 to pull all of the records the Customer's table using "WHERE 1=1". In Method, we're seeing about 18,000 records, ...
Is there a way to get an Item's last modified date/timestamp using the api?
Hi Amanda,
I am calling a webservice on our server. I am sending the username/password along with method's session variable.
The login screen is our first "tab" in our application. This is shown to the user before the other tabs become available. The update table is during the process that happens when the user clicks the ...
I am a developer for an application in Method that we currently have in beta testing. To be a little more specific, this application lives inside of Method as a new screen, not a desktop application.
Currently we have 2 issues that I may need some help from the experts on.
1) The "Web Service Call" occasionally times out ...
Whenever I click a button that I've created there's a dialog box that pops up telling me the results of each action. Is there a way to turn this off? I'm ready to demonstrate my project and would rather not have the dialog showing up every time someone clicks a button.
Also, is there a way to create a password field? For now I ...
That would be perfect.
How could I do that? Is this a type-in value? The login information comes from textboxes on the Method screen.
I appreciate it, but this is a temporary table I'm working with. I fill in the data remotely with a webservice and I want to show the results to the end user. The grid loop seems to work fine for now.
I need to pass more than 5 parameters, which seems to be the limit, to a webservice I've written. Is there a way to append to an already assigned variable?
To be more specific about the problem, maybe alternate solution could help--
I have a button calling a webservice.
Hi Paul,
I was taking your advice from this post
I found a way to do it by using Method actions--
Start Loop Through Grid
Delete Record From Table -- Record ID equal to Value From Row RecordID
Start Loop Through Grid
Seems to work...
I like the batch import idea, is ...
Is it possible to truncate a table using the API?
I can get the data into a table, but I want to clear it first.