You can get the portal URL for a customer by looking at their record (click on their entry on the Contacts List screen.) There is a field for the Portal that has a link to "Share" which will bring up a pop-up window displaying the portal URL for that customer. You can copy the URL from the pop-up window.
The message ...
If you have access to QuickBooks, then the simplest way to do this would be to run the Sales by Customer Summary report in QuickBooks. It's available in both QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online. No need to re-invent the wheel in Method.
I wonder if Daylight Savings time could be the issue?
Hi Chelsea-
You do have options here. The primary restrictions on your "Regular" level Method account are that you can't install apps or screens that someone has created outside your account, and you can't create your own new tables in your account. You do have the ability to add new fields to existing tables and ...
Each Method account can only ever be linked to one unique QuickBooks file. If you have multiple QuickBooks files, you will need multiple Method accounts.
However you can create a multi-tenancy relationship between different Method accounts, so that you can look at the data from multiple Method accounts together, which would give you ...
Yes, the Addr1-5 fields are special - there are operations happening in QuickBooks to re-arrange the data. If you put data in Method, it will send it to QuickBooks, but then QuickBooks will re-arrange it and update Method to change the info. It is a major pain.
Have you checked to see if the address you put in the BillAddr1 field has ...
Yes, I've seen transactions sent from Method to QuickBooks come back from QuickBooks on the second sync with the Address fields garbled because QuickBooks changes the data according to its own fuzzy logic.
(from another thread:)It's important to understand how QuickBooks uses Addr4 and Addr5. Thos e fields are essentially ...
Can you send a space ( ) instead of a null value to clear the fields?
Hi Nick-
I can't address the SDK or API question, but it's important to understand how QuickBooks uses Addr4 and Addr5. Thos e fields are essentially "reserved" to hold information from City, State, Zip (Addr4) and Country (Addr5). As Paul pointed out, QuickBooks parses the info in these fields and copies it back and ...
You can get leading spaces to 'stick' in a field in Method by using the HTML code for a space. Instead of typing spaces, type   (ampersand-n-b-s-p-semicolon) for each space you want. Method will read the code as a space and save the entry with the leading spaces. The code will not appear in the saved entry. ...