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I created a new screen to allow access/update of the custom price in the price levels for per item levels. I got the screen to pull up the information but when I try to save a record with a changed custom price, I get the following message:
This record could not be saved. The version of your accounting
software does not support ...
Thanks Ryan, I will watch the webinar and check out the invoice screen settings. I did find the settings referred to, but I still couldn't get it to work. Hopefully the webinar will help!
Hi! I am creating a new screen from a table that only has 3 fields. One of those fields will be edited OFTEN for each record. I am trying to create the screen to have a grid that shows the 3 fields, and allows the user to edit the 'evolving' field within the grid.
Is this possible?
Thanks for you input!
That got past the first error, but now I get:
Warning: Could not start QuickBooks / QuickBooks is closed
I have quickbooks Pro 2010 opened with a company file opened. Was there any other set up that needed to be done to set the Quickbooks version or company file to work with?
I am trying method for the first time, and am using a qb sample company. I have quickbook opened and the company opened. But when I try to connect using method, I get the above error.
I am using quickbooks pro 2010 and windows 7
Thanks for any help you can give!
Thanks Paul . . it's OK for the delay. But I'm glad you posted because I have a conference call with my client tomorrow morning and he'll be asking what I have found out.
To be completely honest I haven't spent enough time digging into anything to have an educated opinion of it . . . i bought a new computer last weekend and ...
Paul, Thanks for answering my question. I am looking really forwrd to working with Method!
To answer your question . . . .No, I haven't used it yet. The reason I asked about the direct access was because one of the things the client I am developing for is wanting to be able to use Access to design reports and queries on the ...
Is there any way to gain read only access directly to the mssql server data (ie a connectin string) for development?
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