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Can anyone please tell me how I can mass assign a sales rep to our current leads?
Is there a way to mass delete leads? We uploaded several hundred leads but now we don't want them in our database. Is my only option to go 1-by-1 through each lead to delete them, or is there a faster way?
We are in
the process of uploading thousands of potential leads. We want to make it so
the screen CRM_LeadList shows some of the new categories we added to
CRM_EditLead. For example, several hundred leads are from one source, and while
we are able to get that source to appear in the CRM_EditLead screen, we cannot
get that to appear in the ...
we cannot find the new fields that we add. Any advice on how I can see these new fields in the Leads screen?; We are in the process of uploading data from our leads. We have had to create additional fields (i.e. a field for “title”). While we are able to successfully upload our data so that it appears in the Leads screen
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