Method Community



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  • Recurring Invoices? What would I do if.....

    I am wanting to create a work order that has a status of "is waiting on someone else"  In my case I am waiting for "Ol Man Winter" or Jack Frost".  The problem is that I need to have a new work order ready and available whenever I complete a route so I can process Time Cards to them. ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Michael on 01-17-2013
  • Re: Changing Job Site on Work Order

    Just ot let you know that my daughter has solved this at the quickbooks level by creating jobs for each new address a customer may have.  This works perfect in Method as I call up the customer and choose the address.  There is a bonus that all work at each property is easily seen. Mike
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Michael on 01-17-2013
  • Re: Feild Services>work order list> Printing route list

    I too am aiming to use Route lists in my business.  I have added several routes and have began the process but I have no way of filtering to see these routes.   I have so far not entered an work order for any of our regular winter lists.  These lists are generated by weather and not by a regular schedule (not per se recurring) ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Michael on 01-17-2013
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