Yes, issue is resolved. Thanks.
When trying to perform a MethodAPIActionSendToDesktopV2 operation, I'm receiving the following:
<string><?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><MethodAPI response = "Couldn't make connection" ></MethodAPI></string>
Seems to be happening on all tables I'm using it for. ...
I recently connected my Method account to a new QB company file and now when trying to create items through the API I'm getting errors: Save Warning: The Item could not be sent to QuickBooks. This Name is already in use. Please edit the Name so that it is unique and save again.
This is for items that existed in the old company file, but ...
Excellent! It's working now. Thank you so much for your help.
I tried submitting the same update requests without the TenantID field (just passing the Name & IsActive fields), and getting the same error about the table not supporting edit.
Is there anything else I can try?
I don't understand why if the table is supposed to support edit, it is reporting that it doesn't when I run ...
The list of fields I'm updating is: Name,IsActive,TenantID
The strange thing is, I have a personal Method account and when I perform a MethodAPITableListV2 operation on that account, it has [SupportsEdit]=true for the Class table. But when I do that operation for one of the accounts where the update is failing, it's showing ...
Beginning 9/15, we started seeing errors in our logs when trying to update classes through the API indicating that the table doesn't support edit. Was there a change to the API to disallow edit of that table? It looks like it used to be supported.
Is there something going on with the API service? I'm receiving a ton of "The API could not validate your log in" errors, and it's inconsistent. I can make a request for a merchant and receive that error, try the same request a few seconds later and it works.
I just tried another test using this command:
MethodApiResponse response = methodWrapper.UpdateRecord(1, "Activity", new string[ { "BogusFieldName" }, new string[ { "Test Value" }, "68");
which should return an error indicating that the column doesn't exist is also returning the same "API could ...
Well, I'm receiving the error if I pass any non-existent RecordId to the Update method. It seems to happen on any table. Code snippets below:
//from Method request wrapper class
public MethodApiResponse UpdateRecord(int MerchantId, string Table, string[ Fields, string[ Values, string RecordId)
MethodWebService.Service svc ...