Method Community



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  • Re: Pleasee help with import/export/delete

    Yes, I agree with data loss. Please reset my account... I've sent account details via email.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by MuratLuna on 04-03-2013
  • Pleasee help with import/export/delete

    Hello Team,   Can you reset my account? Because there’re records impossible to delete. When you delete it, it shows that it is deleted but anyway the data is stored somewhere. For example when you are exporting the customer lead grid out you can see the full list of records (that was actually deleted) And when ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by MuratLuna on 04-02-2013
  • How to reset table

    Hello, I've got the following problem, when I'm trying to customize Customer table and delete/add fields it says that table contains some records. But actually there are no any records in my Customer/Leads tabs... How can I solve this issue. Is there any method to reset an account? or how to fix it. There are no records but some tables ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by MuratLuna on 04-01-2013
  • Hello Method team

    How can I make available tags checkbox selection directly in my Lead/Customer list grids? At the moment I set it up the way that allows to write text in the tag field directly in the Lead/Customer grid. But I want to have checkbox selection for it. Appreciate beforehand for your help.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by MuratLuna on 03-29-2013
  • How to setup delete button for multiple checked leads

    I have created Delete button in accordance with your guide: The problem is I don't know how to customize "Delete Record From Table", because it asks for "Where" field to be filled as well as for some values... I tried different options but it still causing sequence error 3
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by MuratLuna on 03-26-2013
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