Method Community



Page 1 of 1 (6 items)
  • Text/SMS Alerts

    I am the administrator and was able to trigger my SMS alerts to work.  However, I cannot get it to work for a person with staff permissions.  What am I missing, have customized users and the activity table?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by keita on 03-29-2013
  • Re: Phone fields

    Ashur,   Wow - the steps are very clear now.  I have administrator rights for all except Q-books, which my manager maintains.  That was missing component.  Where do I find retrieve value from table and other action buttons.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by keita on 03-29-2013
  • Re: Phone fields

    Yes, the error displays when attempting to access a customer record - edit.  -These new fields were created on the screen and in the table.  The new customer table field names added are Phone 1, phone 2, and phone 3 with no required fields.   -On the screen the names are Phone (o), Phone (c), Phone (h).  Data was ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by keita on 03-28-2013
  • Phone fields

    I created new fields, Phone 1, Phone 2, and Phone 3 for leads and customers and edits for both.  Because phone numbers were previously entered in the phone or altphone fields they will not flow over into the new fields phone1,2, and 3 that I created.  When I go to tables to edit/remove original phone and altphone field it appears ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by keita on 03-28-2013
  • Updating data from screen modification to table

    I changed a screen within the new lead and customer tab to reflect two separate field phone entries (phone cell and phone home) when entering data.  The fields and screens have been updated and they show as I expected.  However, when I go to the edit screen for each lead or customer the original fields show on that page ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by keita on 03-27-2013
  • Editing existing screens

    Not sure abt the function of a pop up screen.  I need to replace a screen with updated info from method's default screen (changed three tabs) and have saved the screen as CRMnewlead(2).  Can I replace this new edited screen with the existing screen under the new method tab?  Or do I need to create a new table and add all fields ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by keita on 03-27-2013
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