Method Community



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  • Re: adding attachments to emails

    Ok-I now have my access and want to specifically add an attachment to an email template through the activities screen so that this will record on my daily activity. Please let me know the steps that I can take to customize this option for all our method users in this office. Thanks, Kori
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Kori on 04-10-2013
  • adding attachments to emails

    Hi-Just wondering if you could go through (simply please!) how to add an attachment to an outgoing email...I know you have to customize this and I think that the pop up refers to the fact that the administrator has to do this but I would like the details to supply to him. Thanks! Kori
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Kori on 04-09-2013
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