Is it possible to hide to the related info the at top of the Edit Screens. For example, on edit Contact screen, you see the related info for Activities, Estimates, Invoices, Opportunities and the abilitiy to add new ones. Is it possible to hide this? I know before this was unavailable, however, has that changed now?
See below: ...
How and when does Method calculate the item quantity fields (QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder). I know the numbers are affected by invoices and purchases orders. But what about the txn date. Does that affect the quantities, or are the numbers updated right when you create an invoice or purchase order?
I have played around with those options before and nothing made a difference. I will email the account info to you.
Hi I am working on a tabular report (just one detail). At the bottom of each page, there is a lot of white space because the next set of data has a large column and so the whole row gets pushed to the next page. How can I remove this option so it is continusly runs, and if the column is too big to fit on the page, it will get cut off and ...
From what I know, Method does not sync P.O's and Sales Orders from QBO. What is an alternative approach to track Inventory information?
I am looking to track the following Item fields: QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder.
How true is your statement? I just updated the form in Method (changed the internal email receipeint), but I did not update the form on my web page, and it seems to be sending the web lead email to the correct internal user.
If I create a webform and post it on my site, and then go back to Method and update the internal email template and/or receipents, do I need to go back and update the webform on the site? Nothing on web form UI was changed.
I want to update the Invoice report. I want to break the invoice line items section into 2 columns. First column will display rows of a specific type of line item (i.e. Service item) and the second column will display text and rows of another type of line item (discount item).
Is this possible?