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anyone can help me please ?
I've added a field to the Contacts table so I'll be able to assign credits to my clients for their hours. I've titled that field "Contract Hours."
On another table that I created, I've added a drop-down based on the Contacts table, and I added "Contract Hours" as a linked ...
Please check your mail. I need this to be fixed ASAP
I made a new app based on the contacts table. also all my created reports are based on the contacts table.
All reports are generating the same issue. Method reports included
Hello I get this error when I try to generate a report that I created. I have even tried to generate reports that are already implemented by method but it didn't work
I tried all safeguard options , but nothing worked
I created a report on the report designer. When I click on the preview button all the odd pages are blank. I checked the conditional formatting but there is nothing abnormal there.
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