Sorry, I meant to include that, CampaignStatus is the table I am getting the error on.
I was able to insert records into the Campaign table, but when I use the same exact code and only change the table and the field/value arrays parameters, I get the following response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><MethodAPI response = "The field TenantID does not support add." ...
You make a good point!
I didn't see anywhere in CreateMethodUserV2 that would allow me to set which franchisee a new user is associated with. Am I just missing it? Or is it something that could be added?
Hey Paul,
Things are good here, hope all is well with you too.
I ran my code after your reply so that I could copy and paste the exact response I was getting and it was successful!
Are you sure you didn't change the properties for the TenantID field?
What is the reccomended approach for using the API with a multi-tenancy account?
For example if I want to insert a Campaign for a tenant.
If I try using the tenant Company Account for the strCompanyAccount parameter I get an authentication error, which probably makes sense since the record should be added to the head-office account and have ...
One option: Go to the customize tab and the screens tab link
Click View next to ActivityType and you will see the list.
Hi Dave,
The dataset was returning encoded data, and I was using one of the stock email templates to test it out.
The HttpUtility.HtmlDecode did the trick though and now it is working beautifully, thanks for your help!
Ok I was successful in sending an email without the encoding...
next question is: how do I retrieve the email body field from the EmailTemplate table without the coding to be able to send it automatically?
Hi Dave,
How would you include formatted text in the SendEmailV2 email body field?