Hey Ben,
Is there a invoice number for the transaction you are trying to process? We may have to troubleshoot this over the phone with one of our support staff as it will be difficult to do over the forums. Let me know if I should create a case for someone to reach out.
-- Loi
The "Edit_Entity" screen is accessed from Contacts App, then selecting a contact and clicking the "Edit Customer" option from the View Contact screen. I copied the Edit_Entity screen, made no changes, made sure it was visible to all users, and my test user is denied access. This is the only screen with this issue ...
The following updates are now live for users of Method:Classic.
Platform Updates
Fixed rounding issue on some transactions which may have caused some sync conflicts. (Ticket AS-1280)
Fixed potential issues with signing up for a new account. (Ticket AS-1588)
Fixed issue with Google Calendar appointments duplicate in some ...
Using Activity for a grid and Due Start Date is there a SQL code that will display the day of week? So it would show the standard Dec-21-2015 but also the day of week?
Okay, now we're getting almost no connection whatsoever. 25-30 second latency, or no response whatsoever.
Thanks Jon!! Sending now...
Furrywombat -
Please send me additional details via email (Request & Exception data) and I'll dig into the issue from our side.
I'm moving this over to our general Q&A forum as it relates to our front end UI rather than our API. A member from our support team will pick up the thread from here.
Hey Kupsol,
I realize you were trying to add the dropdown from the customer table instead of the screen designer. You only see blank and recordID because it is only showing unique fields in that list. If you go make the name field unique in the Inverters table then you will have the ability to select name for the drop down. If you make the ...
Hey Kupsol,
I'm not sure why you are only seeing the two options as I tried to recreate your issue and it showed me all 4 options. I have attached a screenshot to show you.
To edit the table, I created a new simple screen, added a grid, turned on the options to edit and add records in steps 5-6.
-- Loi