I've tried this a hundred different ways to Sunday and either there is a bug or I'm doing something wrong (probably the latter). I am attempting to add a Vendor dropdown to the opportunity screen. Ultimately, I want to pull in the Vendor FullName field.
I added a Vendor dropdown field to the Opportunity table. Chose an existing table, selected Contacts as the table, Text Field:RecordID (that is the only available choice). But, I really want FullName.
I read through as many forum posts as I could. One said maybe I had a NULL value or duplicates. When I click on "Required" checkbox, it gives me a message that I cannot make it a required field as there are currently NULL entries in the table. I exported the customer list and did a pivot report to make sure there were no NULL values or duplicates and there were not. Interestingly, clicking on Contacts field REQUIRED does not give me the same message even though it's the same table.
Again what I'm trying to do is put a vendor dropdown on the opportunity screen that will retrieve FullNames from the contacts table. Then I will filter the results for EntityType = Vendor; isActive = Yes, etc. And then on save post that field back to the opportunity table.