I recently added some new fields and tables and wanted to add those fields to the Edit Lead, New Customer, and New Lead Screens. I copied the screens, added the fields and now when I go to my new screen called "Lead List" and click on the Go to Link I get an error message that states:
Could not run the Go To Tab Link comman as there was a problem locating the Tab Link "Edit Lead"/ This Tab Link may have been deleted or if you copied the original Screen from another account, you may also need to copy the Screen this Tab Link "Edit Lead" belongs to as well.
Action Sequence Order:10
I did not copy it from another account. I simply copied the Lead List and Edit Lead Screens from the exisiting Method Screens and added the new fields. I think that there is an issue with my GoTo Link on the Lead List Screen however, it does not reference the Edit Lead Screen as part of the steps.
When I go to action 10 in the GO To link on the Lead List screen, the details are:
Tab Link: (nothing)
The tab link screen: Has a specified Active Record ID
Specify Record Id: Value from screen
Contacts: Entity RecordID
CLose any Popup WIndows open on linked screen is checked.
None of the steps seem to reference the Edit Lead Screen which is the screen that I can't seem to get to using the Go To Link.
I need to know how to configurd the Go TO link so that is works properly from the Lead List Screen. Please advise.