Hi there,
The customization took care of adding a linked field to the contacts table which is the same table your contacts portal is built from. This allowed us to add the field by dragging it on to your custom screen.
The screen we were working with was 'ContactsPortal_Home' which worked out well since it's built off the same contacts table.
If I understand correctly, you want to add this to another screen 'ContactsPortal_Transactions' which is displayed as 'Recent Transactions' when logged into the portal. This screen is built off a the Transaction table so that field won't be available there.
So what to do now…
Since you know the customer/contact who signs into the portal, it may be as simple as adding a couple actions when the screen loads to retrieve the value of your custom field from the contacts table and have it display on screen load.
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Valbon Shabani
Director of Education
Method Integration Inc.
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