This issue has never been a problem before, so hoping you can provide some insight.
CompanyA has 3 contacts listed: (main contact, opt out of billing = no) (opt out of billing = no) (opt out of billing = yes)
I sent an invoice containing a link to our portal (from Method) that directed the contacts to sign in with their respective email addresses.
However, both recipients (john & jane) received the same error when attempting to login, that there were multiple instances of their email addresses. This isn't true, there is only 1 record for each contact.
I then changed the opt out of biling to YES for, and was able to successfully login as
So there appears to be a conflict with accessing a portal when multiple contacts with the same email domain are selected to receive billing notices.
Can you test this out & let me know if anyone else is having this problem and when it can be resolved?