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Retrieveing a Grid

Last post 02-05-2013 2:28 PM by NeilRick. 2 replies.
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  • 02-01-2013 1:12 PM

    Retrieveing a Grid

    Hello All!

    Our company uses a grid on our estimates page in order to display all of the item numbers/ descriptions / Quantity and the like a customer is interested in. For each client our sales reps will use this unique grid that saves what the customer is purchasing and all of its details.

    I am attempting to set up an item survey tool on another page and need to somehow retrieve the grid info as a whole for each clients order. I would be trying to set this up as an action that happens once a customer’s Estimate has been emailed out.

    So in other words I need each customers unique grid info to somehow be retrieved and stored in another table for another screen. I need to do this in such a way that per a reference (record id or some other identifier) I can have all the data from the grid populate in an email that will be triggered per a button with a date difference conditional statement.

    To further breakdown-

    1. Somehow store each unique grid record into another table as estimates are being emailed out.

    2. Be able to call to each record from the new table so that when a button is pressed and a conditional statement is met the correct items are mailed to the correct client so that they can be asked to fill out a survey for the item grid I am trying to get into the email.

    Any ideas or tips are greatly appreciated!


  • 02-04-2013 2:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Retrieveing a Grid



    Just so I understand correctly, you essentially want to survey customers based on the items the estimates are based off of.  Am I correct here? 

    If the info is already stored in a grid, it is already stored in a table. I don't see why you need to create a new table.  I am thinking you can store the recordID for each record in the table the grid is based off of as a shared result.  This would allow you retrieve the same record on your survey screen.  Another idea would be to setup a similar grid on your survey screen, and filter it to your needs.  You can then use the "Loop through Grid" action to pull the values that you want.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 02-05-2013 2:28 PM In reply to

    Re: Retrieveing a Grid

    I just wanted to say thank you for the help. I will be testing out your tips to see if they work for me in my current setup.


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