Hi Mike,
In regards to Errors 1 & 2, I am not exactly sure what is going on here, this could be an issue with the screens not generating correctly, and possibly the tables. There is a quick way that you can regenerate specific tables from within Method. First, double check what tables the screens you are having issues with are based off of. Once you have the table names, go to Customize->Tables/Fields, edit field each of the tables you need, and after clicking "edit fields", simply press the "Finish Editing Fields" button, this will regenerate each of the tables you do it for. After you have done this, check out these screens again and see if you can now edit them without receiving the error.
If you went through the steps of regenerating the tables and you still have this issue, I would advise you to reach out to us in Support to take a closer look at this issue for you. The best way to do this, would be to first turn on the MethodSupport user. This can be done by going to Customize->Users, locate the MethodSupport User in the second section, and make sure there is a checkmark in the "Active" column. After you do this, please send me an email either through the forums, or to b.citren@methodintegration.com, please include your CompanyAccount name, include some screens that have this issue, and contact info so I can reach you after taking a look.
In regards to your last comment about switching between the February and October versions, there is a possibility this is playing a role, however I would have to take a look at your account before confirming this. I know before releasing the latest February version we did some in-house testing and didn't seem to have these issues come up.
You also mentioned some issues with Method's speed, sorry you found the circle sligthly hypnotizing, I kind of agree with you there. I know we were having some issues earlier today with one of our servers, this was likely the issue of your slow speeds, regardless of the browser you are using. However, this issue has since been resolved, so hopefully you have found Method to be much faster this afternoon.