Releases and Updates

- Joined on 09-28-2012
- Stevens, PA
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Re: Method:Beta Update — Week of February 09, 2015
Thanks for the Opportunties App. Haven't used much, but looks great!
Mahlon L Fisher Computer Bookkeeping Solutions

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Re: Method:Beta Update — Week of February 09, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
We have an exciting week of releases coming up for both Method:New and Classic.
One Sign-in for all your accounts…. and versions!
Today’s release introduces a new Sign-in page for Method:New. This will be the same page that allows you to sign into Method:Classic once the Classic portion goes live. This will allow you to sign into all company accounts associated with the email address with which you sign in. Learn more here.

A user will now be presented with an account & version selection page once he or she signs in with this new page. Users will also have Forgot Email & Forgot Password options.
As always, we welcome your feedback!
Details and bug fixes
Addressed issue where links formatted for Google Maps were not opening Google maps. (ticket # AS-113)
Addressed several issues with Check Permissions action (ticket # AS-51, AS-319)
For specific app updates, read My thread.
Until the next release,
The Method:Beta Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Method:Beta Update — Week of March 30, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve implemented fixes for grids, drop downs and multiple accounts open in a browser.
Details and bug fixes
Increased performance when loading user data. (ticket # PL-435)
Addressed issue with wrong icons being displayed on duplicate controls (ticket #PL-124)
Addressed issue with Go To Screen action not working when used on screen events (ticket #AS-76)
Fixed issue with mapping certain addresses using Google Maps (ticket #AS-282)
Addressed issue with grids and dropdown filters not accounting for UTC conversions (ticket #AS-267)
Check Permission Action now stops action set processing after showing denial message (ticket #AS-479)
Addressed some issues with forcing hidden columns to show on grid filter views. (ticket #AS-54 — see Mahlon’s post)
Fixed issues with having multiple Method accounts open within the same browser. (ticket #PL-466)
For specific app updates, read Michael’s thread.
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Method:Beta Update — Week of April 5, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve done a hotfix to address some issues.
Details and bug fixes
Fixed issue with filtering grids and drop downs using a date time field from the screen (ticket # AS-553,AS-555 [see Matt’s post])
Addressed issues with being logged in as a guest user and a normal user at the same time. (ticket #PL-517)
For specific app updates, read Michael’s thread.
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Method:Beta Update — Week of April 13, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve addressed issues with preferences, actions and screens.
Details and bug fixes
Improved MethodSupport login to enable Method staff to provide better service. (ticket #PL-422)
Addressed issues with saving and editing notification preferences. (tickets #PL-487,#PL-488)
Date / Time pickers are now displaying correctly on mobile devices. (ticket #PL-489)
Display formats in preferences are no longer showing a blank value after save. (ticket #PL-490)
Addressed issue with Show Message action when only one action result exists. (ticket #PL-491 - see Mahlon’s Post)
On Focus screen event now being called only once. (ticket #AS-569)
Addressed screen navigation issues with redirected screens. (ticket #AS-152 - see Mahlon’s Post)
Addressed issue with adding drop down type fields to a table. (ticket #AS-343)
Fixed issues with copying screens. (ticket #AS-522)
Improved several actions to support using single quotes in text values (ticket #AS-235)
For specific app updates, read the App Update thread.
Until the next release,
The Method:Beta Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Method:Beta Update — Week of April 27, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve addressed several issues including issues with tags, tables and screen design.
Details and bug fixes
Soft Launch and Method:Donor prep. (tickets #PL-396, #PL-403, #PL-482, #PL-556, #PL-544)
Previewing screens with image objects no longer throws an error. (ticket #PL-574)
Fixed issue with adding additional search fields to advanced search in grids. (ticket #PL-581, #PL-580)
Removed references to the deprecated View permission. (ticket #PL-575)
Addressed issue with not being able to copy permissions from one user to another. (ticket #PL-579)
Non-Admin users can now create, edit and manage tags (ticket #PL-579 - see Matt’s Post)
Sync Now button notification updated to be more accurate. (ticket #PL-600)
Deleting custom tables no longer throws an error. (ticket #PL-513)
Last Name no longer overwrites first name on Method:ID’s. (ticket #PL-602)
Addressed issue with editing tags causing a grey overlay to show over message box. (ticket #PL-608)
Improved scrolling on tag list (ticket #PL-609)
Fixed issue with converting leads to customers using the IsLeasdStatusOnly field. (ticket #PL-578)
Viewing details of a sync conflict no longer throws an error. (ticket #PL-557)
Fixed issued with manually entering a date into a datepicker field. (ticket #AS-332 - see Matt’s post)
Improved loading of javascript on screens. (ticket #AS-368)
Fixed issue causing a blank page to show up on sign in. (ticket #AS-589)
Fixed corrupt screen issue affecting some users. (ticket #AS-630)
For specific app updates, read the App Update thread.
Until the next release,
The Method:Beta Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Re: Method:Beta Update — Week of April 27, 2015
Hello Everyone,
We had to rollback yesterdays release due to some issues we encountered. I will update the forum once the release get redeployed.
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Re: Method:Beta Update — Week of April 27, 2015
Hey Everyone-
We have gone live with the release that we rolled back last week. Thanks for your patience.
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Method:Beta Update — Week of May 11, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve addressed issues with actions, grid filters and integer values.
Details and bug fixes
Insert record into table now supports inserting blank value for Integer fields. (ticket #AS-264)
Fixed issue with using the Loop though table action in the conditional statement action. (ticket #AS-657)
Addressed issues causing some screens to lock up when trying to show or hide a section. (ticket #AS-649)
Reports with multiple details reports no longer cause an error when being generated. (ticket #AS-126)
Using the Set view filter action now shows hidden columns based on view. (ticket #PL-667)
Integer fields no longer default to a value of 0 unless specified. (ticket #AS-652)
Addressed a licensing issue with MethodSupport user. (ticket #AS-665)
Character function action now supports using the same field twice. (ticket #AS-567)
Fixed issue that caused some dialog box to appear behind a grey overlay (ticket #AS-662)
For specific app updates, read the App Update thread.
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Method:Beta Update — Week of May 18, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve added the ability to change company logo and disconnect as well as fixed some defects.
Details and bug fixes
Soft Launch and Method:Donor prep. (tickets #PL-656, #PL-582)
Added ability to disconnect sync within Method. (ticket #PL-415)
Added ability to change company logo. (ticket #PL-535)
Fixed issue with public and guest page permissions. (ticket #PL-557)
For specific app updates, read the App Update thread.
Until the next release,
The Method:Beta Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Method:Beta Update — Week of May 25, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve fixed several customization issues and grids issues.
Details and bug fixes
Radio buttons no longer cause issues when trying to customize a screen. (ticket #AS-745 -- see Mahlon's post here)
Adresseed grid paging issues when pages have 0 records. (ticket #AS-734)
Grids are now filtering using value from screen on initial load. (ticket #AS-584 -- see Matt’s post here)
Fixed issues with looping through grids using date values. (ticket #AS-741 -- see Mahlon’s post here)
Fixed issue with single quotes causing issues in some actions. (ticket #AS-727)
Deleting an app screen no longer takes you to a blank page. (ticket #PL-788)
Insert Record Into Table action is no longer missing step. (ticket #AS-552)
Insert Record Into Table now supports multiple yes / no fields. (ticket #AS-701)
Using Other Date for Day in Date function action no longer causes error. (ticket #AS-749)
For specific app updates, read the App Update thread.
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Method:Beta Update 2 — Week of May 25, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s 2nd release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve fixed several issues throughout the platform.
Details and bug fixes
Soft launch and Donor prep. (tickets #PL-841, #PL-120, #PL-843)
Improved Invite User screen. (ticket #PL-719)
Fixed issue creating App Ribbons. (ticket #PL-650)
Grid search on Firefox now supports enter key. (ticket #PL-186)
Improved MethodSupport user to provide better support. (ticket #PL-559)
Improved search for numbers in grids. (ticket #PL-740)
Setting a screen to a previous version no longer causes version to disappear. (ticket #PL-798)
Fixed issue creating Record Names for App Ribbons. (ticket #PL-651)
Addressed issue with setting Entity on Activity records. (ticket #PL-835)
New drop down fields columns are now set to unique. (ticket #PL-799)
Fixed issue where some dialog boxes were covered by an overlay. (ticket #PL-695)
Fixed issues that cause screen corruption, (ticket #PL-697)
Items falsely requiring 'Expense Account' field on creation. (ticket #PL-660)
Improved searching for dates within a grid search. (ticket #PL-693)
Fixed issue with assigning permissions timing out. (ticket #PL-706)
For specific app updates, read the App Update thread.
Until the next release,
The Method:Beta Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
Method Update 3 — Week of May 25, 2015
Hello Crew,
In this week’s 3rd release we’ve made several fixes for to prep for the launch of Method:Donor.
We’ve made several fixes for to prep for the launch of Method:Donor
Details and bug fixes
Improved process of disconnecting QB sync from Apps.Com. (ticket #PL-999)
Miscellaneous Method:Donor updates. (ticket #PL-988, #PL-1006, #PL-1009)
For specific app updates, read the App Update thread.
Until the next release, The Method Team
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn: