Hey Cardinl,
We don't have any specific examples for donors, but on the documentation, you should see an example for creating an invoice with items. The post for creating a donation would be similar except the table you would be specifying is sales receipts.
The general steps would be:
1.Create a customer using this endpoint /api/v1/tables/Customer. Make sure that at least the "Name" and "FirstName" fields are mapped as those are required
2.Create a Sales Receipt using this endpoint /api/v1/tables/SalesReceipt. Make sure that at least the "Customer" field is mapped as it is required. The "Customer" field is whatever was input as the "Name" field while you were creating the customer.
3. Ensure that the items you are giving as an option on your platform are marked as donation items within Method. More information about how to do that here.
If you were looking to capture specific information from your platform to Method, let me know and I can share what the field names and tables would be to map.
Thank you!