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  • Re: Export Button

    Thanks Chad - I've troubleshot this a bit further, and it seems I only have the problem when working with a grid based on the Customer table.  I now have a screen with a grid containing just company name and email, and no other buttons, no advanced settings (no on screen loads etc.) and I still get the error.  If I add other grids on ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 07-19-2012
  • Export Button

    I've added an export button to one of my screens to be able to dump my grid to Excel.  The information exports fine, but when I'm done and click the "Close" button on the Export screen, it generates an error: ERROR: One or more fields referenced by your actions were not found on the screen. Please make sure all actions ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 07-16-2012
  • Method for Property Management

    Is anyone out there already using Method for Property Management?  I see it's on a list of future apps to come, and if anyone out there has done this already I'd hate to recreate the wheel.  I'm looking to automate lease renewals, allow tenants to pay rent online through customer portals,  attach ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 05-10-2012
  • Web Form Error

    I am getting the following error emailed to me with one of our webforms...  It has been working well for a few months, and while we have received a few error messages along the way, they have seemed to be related to database changes we have made.  This one I can't seem to pinpoint to any change:   Your client had encountered ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 02-09-2012
  • Re: Screen Out of Sync Error

    OK, so I just deleted what I believe are all of the screen load actions, and I am still getting the error.  I see there is a new post on 12/29 where somebody else is getting the same thing.  I'm not sure how you identified what to delete - maybe you deleted something different than I did. 
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 01-03-2012
  • Re: Screen Out of Sync Error

    Thanks Michael - I'll take a look.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 12-27-2011
  • Re: Screen Out of Sync Error

    Just sent it to you - thanks Michael    
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 12-27-2011
  • Re: Screen Out of Sync Error

    To add to this thread... I have continued to troubleshoot this problem today.  I have bit by bit pulled all of our custom fields out of the Edit Customer sreen so that I have a stripped down version which I believe mimicks the standard Method Edit Customer screen, and I am still getting the error.  For this particular scenario, I believe ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 12-27-2011
  • Re: Screen Out of Sync Error

    Hi Danny, Actually, in looking at this further, I checked two other databases that are using the same custom screen for the "Edit Customer."  (This is a copy of the original CRM Edit Customer Screen, with some added fields.)  The error is occuring on all three databases.  I think it began with the new December platform ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 12-27-2011
  • Screen Out of Sync Error

    I recently completed some screen customizations and now when selecting a customer from my customer list, I get the following: ERROR: It appears the screen is currently out of sync. Please try logging out and back in to Method. If this is a custom screen, you can alternatively republish. If the problem persists, please contact your ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by s.white on 12-23-2011
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