we are forced to downgrade to qb online from enterprise plus will make life a lot easier what will we need to do for method?
WE have an open ticket on this issue for 3 months with no updates. Our method to google sync adds hundreds of duplicate activities on the calendars and then it quits working
I am having the same issue, with no results were you able to get this resolved?
how do i change the time in audit trail it is about 6 hours off
How do i export a list of customers who have unsubscribed from mailing list or better yet how do i print a list of all customers except those who have unsubscribed?
Is it possible to see a report of time stamp of when users sign in and from what ip
sending email with list builder this is link to opt out:
I need to link to opt out and update there account
I have followed the instructuions to paste the links and they dont seem to work
has anything changed i now cannot set up my gmail mail server thru method they are all failing
Thank you this was very helpful. So by using the Mchimp integration sending my already opted in addresses to mailchimp do they still require to get opt in authorized if coming from method?
if a customer opts out in mailchimp does it sync with method as well?