I believe that our QB is set up using a standard format, and that I am not communicating properly. I will not be able to look at QB until Monday. I will circle back with more infomation about how our QB is organized.
I will pursue these ideas as work-arounds, but how do I get a clean import? As I said, If I had a Company in Quickbooks with 25 Opportunites the import created 25 Customer Records, one unique Customer Name for each Opportunity.
I was examining the New Opportunity screen and I was surprised to see that a lot of data appears to be copied from the Customer table into the Opportunity table, rather than just remaining as related and displayed via query through the relationship.
I want to make sure that I understand that this is the correct way to proceed.
For example, I am ...
Thanks, whatever you can let me know will be helpful.
I copied the customers table and created a screen which shows me Name, Company Name, Full Name, and First Name so that I can make sure I am seeing the data correctly.
For every entry that I imported, I have one record where Name = Company Name = Full Name. This is fine, it is what I ...
QB is set up as you would expect:
Customer A - Contact - Jane Doe:
Customer B - Contact - Joe Blow:
If I look in the Customer table, I should see two customers - A and B
But after syncing to Method, my Method Customer table looks like this:
Customer Name:
Customer ...
This confuses me. What is a rich text field?
EDIT: searching this forum for "rich text field" yields two results, this thread is one of them.
EDIT 2: I see now. Insert the Rich Text field, then bind it to the field in the table.
I have the field set up properly and I can enter formatted lines. Great!
When I go to the Report Designer I do not have HTML as an option under Data Bindings.
Is it possible to pull fielded data from a table and drop it into a paragraph in the Report Builder?
This Order is executed pursuant to the Master Service Agreement by and between ACCOUNTNAME and Our Company dated MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENTDATE ("the Agreement"). The terms and provisions of the Agreement are ...
Hard returns to create formatting which will pass through to a report? I am thinking of it as a way for a user to enter multiple lines for one record, without having to create a linked table.
I have not tried to copy and edit the Sales Order report. The problem is that I am making a "Sales Order," but our Sales Order is more like a Statement of Services or a Work Order, and not a Sales Order like the report which exists. However, the Sales Order (Custom) report can be illustrative. In your report, the ...