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We use Gmail for our email platform and are able to sync our emails with Method per email. Is there a way to upload our emails in mass to method instead of one at a time?
Hello Again,
Still working on this. Thank you for your assistance! We were able to find the tables and add the appropraite fields - However we are unable to view our additions to the field names under the correct drop down. Are we missing a joining/publishing step? I have a screen shot but it wont paste here - under field ...
Hello Greg!
Looking back on this I see that we had made this a custom field (see below on the lower left side). Is this something I can alter on my end? Or is there somewhere I can look for the answer?
Thanks for the help!
Under Opporunity -> Campaign Type, I need to add another stage, "Data Installs". How do I do this myself?
Thanks for the feedback!
Previously our opportunity stages were associated with percentages, helping us formulate the actual value of the sale. For instance, if a opporunity is under Negotiation/Review the value shown for the deal was 80% of the total value. The deal proposed was $1000k it would show as $800 in our pipeline. Currently, none of these ...
Thank you for your help,
How do I get to the p"Properties for the Crm Dashboard"? screen? Is this an aspect I will have to do under the admin account?
In the opportunity dashboard I am looking to have the report "Opportunities by stage" display all method users. How can I combine everyone's numbers within the dashboard? There is a drop down to filter by user, but it doesnt allow me to select more than one user ar a time.
Under the Home Dashboard in Method I can see reports for everyone individualized. However, I would like to be able to see everyone's reports merged (such as opportunities, activities, etc). How do I create an account or report in the Dashboard that combines every user's numbers into a single report?
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