Hi Sixtel,
Understand your points and pain. Names is prob. the most difficult part and most important part to get. It really helps to understand how QB uses and then its easier to translate to Method. It is an art at times. As partners, we all have struggled a bit with this area, so don't feel bad. But I know, it would be ...
For the most part... Yes...if tracking for a particular contact associated with customer then use contacts.
Set up a Screen based on the Blackout table. Add a grid with a few columns. All of your data should display. Then add an addition "select" column. This allows you to add an action to this column. Call this column "Delete line" Add the "delete"action. and "refresh ...
Everyrecord in everytable in Method has a unique RECORDID. FullName is the key field for the Customer Table( it has to be unique also). It is the customer's name...It's RecordID is the unique number assigned to that name. This is how you associate the customer attributes (like billing address ) with a particular ...
Hi Sixtel,
The Customer table is the table that links to QB. It is really a subset of the Entity table, which is the QB table that contains all of Customer, Vendor, Employee and Other Namess. The Contacts table is a Method table. It includes all of the Entity table names (as fullnames) as well as the additional ...
Hi ItfromValor,
I have seen this when sending a report from QB to XLS. (in this case go to adanced options and uncheck "space between columns"). But I have not seen this behavior in generating a Method report with the report designer.
I agree it is most annoying, cause once in Excel you can't do a thing with the data.
You can duplicate an estimate. but as Val stated you need to add a button with actions to insert records into Estimate Table - which gets you a new header record and then insert records into Estimat Line table using the Action Result RecordID from the Estimate Table record you just created. If you would like help, ...
I agree. This would make customers happier.
Hy Blake,
Saw your post while browsing the forum...I am a Method partner. Method New should be available to you. Mobile is really being done in Method New. In New you can preview how a screen would look on a tablet or phone (way cool). You will find it looks way different than classic and may cover your ...
HI Pioneer_Feed and Mortaza,
I was reading this thread and a few thoughts came to mind. It seems like you may need to consider what if a customer you tagged as a wormer customer purchases something other than wormer on a Sales Receipt? You don't want those Sales Receipts. You may have to find Wormer Items from ...