Method Community



Method Updates - September 24th, 2024

The following updates are now live for users of Method

New Features / Updates

  • System Pages - Improved grid styles. (PL-48517)
  • Send Transaction Email - Updated logic to pull the EmailSenderName from the EmailSender table. (PL-48912)
  • Guest Payment - Ensured PaymentMethod value was being set as part of the payment process. (PL-48693)
  • Contacts - Updated the Edit Entity mobile UI to match our design best practices. (PL-43306)


  • Sales Orders - Fixed issue causing group items to be split up when converting to an invoice. (PL-48801)
  • Purchase Orders - Fixed an issue where updates to the item description on an estimate were not being carried to the Purchase Order. (PL-48934)
  • Sales Receipts - Fixed an issue on QBO where the discount amount was not being saved after clearing the amount. (PL-48941)




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