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New: Unlimited Contacts for QuickBooks Customers and Vendors in Method

QuickBooks edit customer screenWhen entering a customer or vendor into QuickBooks, you already have the ability to add contact information for the main contact, as well as one additional alternate contact.  Is this sufficient?  What happens when you have more than one contact at that company such as the accountant, manager, VP, or sales rep?  In this day in age everyone has a cell phone, so if you’re like me, that alternate contact might already be used to store the main contact’s cell phone number.  Then what?  Thank goodness for the QuickBooks notes field!  With today’s new Method feature, you won’t need to worry about where to store these additional contacts and can do away with the QuickBooks notes workaround. 

Unlimited Contacts to QuickBooks Customers and Vendors

Method contacts buttonMethod users will now benefit from the ability to add an unlimited amount of contacts for customers and vendors.  This means you can now track every point of contact for each of your customers and vendors without worrying about where to store this information.  Clicking on the “Add/Edit All Contacts...” button for a customer/vendor brings up a new contacts screen.  In this screen you can enter in contact information for each contact at the company.  Why stop there?  Because Method has built in CRM functionality, you can also enter in detailed activities for each contact, such as phone call conversations, emails, meetings and more.  So what happens if the fields we provided aren’t enough?  Come on now, this is Method we’re talking about.  Just add your additional fields to the new contacts table and drag the new fields onto the screen.   By the way, if you’re concerned about how to avoid certain contacts getting sensitive information, keep track of that with the “Opt Out” check boxes.  

Method Contacts Screen

If you’re wondering where these “additional contacts” live, they are stored in your Method account.  Of course the main contact and alternate contact for the customer and vendor are synced with QuickBooks in real-time.  

Two new features in one week – now that’s impressive!



Danny Do Couto
Method Integration

View Danny Do Couto's profile on LinkedIn




Palmer said:

How can I transfer my hundreds of contacts in Excel into QB using the Method API?  I have uploaded other data, but I am having trouble getting the right fields accepted, such as, EntityRecordID and EntityType to tie the contact record into my existing QB customer. I already queried the Method database to the RecordID's for each customer and have sync'd them to get the proper EntityRecordID.   Thanks, Palmer

April 22, 2010 4:36 PM