When pictures are used tactfully in applications, a designer can enhance a user’s experience and in many cases make it easier to navigate. Up until now, you were able to add pictures to Method screens but that was where it stopped. Not anymore.

Picture objects in Method now have the ability to have actions assigned to them, just like other objects can. So what’s the big deal? As the lead geek in the new Method Expense Report app (currently being beta tested by Method Solution Providers), I ran into a wall when I wanted to use images instead of traditional buttons on a welcome screen for the new app. Yes, I could have used images and placed buttons at the bottom of each image, but to be honest, it didn’t look good and I’m all about the details. I wanted to make the image the button and make it so the user just had to click the image to be taken to where I want them to go. Since actions can now be directly assigned to images, a developer can choose to perform any sequence of events they choose when the “click” event happens on an image.