Today we launched version of the Method Integration Engine (the sync manger for QuickBooks integration). This is this first big update of QuickBooks synchronization in over a year and I think you'll agree it is worth the wait.
The following QuickBooks transactions will now connect to Method, regardless of their transaction date.
- All unpaid QuickBooks invoices.
- All unpaid QuickBooks Statement Charges.
- All QuickBooks credit memos and payments that are not fully applied to QuickBooks invoices or fully refunded.
- All QuickBooks sales orders that are not manually closed or fully invoiced.
- All QuickBooks purchase orders that are not manually closed or fully received.
In addition:
- In the Transaction table, the balance field now reflects the Open Balance.
So in other words, you can now remotely access all outstanding QuickBooks invoices and other transactions from a web browser, without having to sync a full transaction history! And of course, your customers can see this detail too when they log into their customer portal.
One small improvement I almost forgot to mention..... When walking around the office and watching our own staff use Method, I noticed that they always double-click on the "m" icon in the notification area on the task bar to open the engine.........and after nothing happens, right-click and click Display. So if our own staff keep doing it, you all must be doing it too! Easy fix, the new Method Integration engine now supports a double-click from the notification area
How do you get this update? It will download automatically in the next few days, but if you don't want to wait, (1) make sure the Method Integration Engine is shut down; (2) download and install the update here.
If these new features help you, let me know by leaving a comment below.