Method Community



Improved Document Management, Increased Data Storage and Slick SmartVault Integration

Document management has been a hidden gem in Method CRM since March 2010.  The initial release of the document library allowed for documents to be attached through the opportunity, case and solution screens.  But what happened if you wanted to attach a document only to a lead or customer? could but it wasn’t easy since you had to access the document library through the opportunity, case or solution screens.  So we took your feedback and leveraged the new SmartVault integration to create some really cool enhancements and topped it off with increased storage!  Interested?  Read on.
Documents Tab in Method CRM

Dedicated documents tab

We’ve made locating your documents much easier by providing you a tab displaying all of your documents in the document library.  

Uploading new documents

Upload document in Method CRM
Documents can be uploaded directly into Method, linked to an existing URL or uploaded directly into SmartVault.  When uploading documents into Method, keep in mind that each upload can be a maximum size of 5MB.  Uploading bigger documents?  I’d recommend uploading these to your web server and then using the link option when uploading in Method.

Editing existing documents

From the edit document screen you can update the description, folder or who the document is assigned to.  Documents can also be linked multiple times to different objects.  So if you’d like to link the same price sheet to more than one customer, go right ahead!

Easily attach documents to leads and customers

A new documents tab section was added to the lead and customer screens.  This solves a previous pain point for Method users since now you can view existing documents or upload new documents in a couple of clicks.

For users of SmartVault, if documents are linked to a lead, they will automatically appear in the SmartVault toolbar for that customer once they are converted into a customer.  No manual sync process needed!

Improved document uploads in CRM screens

All of the existing CRM screens have been updated to take advantage of the new document upload screens.  These screens require less clicks for uploading documents, are easier to understand and look way sweeter!  

Increased document storage

We’ve increased your data storage in a BIG way!  Each Method license now has 500MB of storage allowed.  What does this mean?  Well if you have 3 users, you now have 1.5G of storage.  Previously each Method account was allowed 250MB total regardless of how many licenses you had.  This gives you plenty of room to store your documents.  

So what happens if you go over your allotted storage?  Same overage fees apply as before of $0.01 per MB per day.  

What’s next?

We’re not done with documents just yet.  In the coming weeks you’ll be able to attach documents to customer transactions such as estimates, invoices, payments and sales orders.  Check out this blog for more info in the coming days and weeks.

So you excited now?  =)  We’d love to hear your feedback on the blog by using the comments link.




smohyee said:

Thanks Danny and the Method team! Greater integration of documents and files into our records was something I had been envisioning going into Method, but I had felt it was a limited service you guys offered.

You've just made my life a whole lot easier by expanding the feature to include all the things I was thinking of (attaching to customer records, or invoices, etc).

And thank you SO MUCH (soooo much) for increasing the storage capacity to a per user basis. We couldn't possibly store all our related documents on your site with just 250 MB total space... with the new limits we can seriously consider using Method as a central hub for ALL our company data, not just our QB/Method database data.

Keep it up guys!

February 8, 2012 5:47 PM

Method_Danny said:

Hi Sam,

I'm happy to hear you'll be taking advantage of the new document enhancements we've put into Method CRM.  Next week you should see a new blog post regarding attaching documents to estimates, invoices, payments and sales orders.  

Thanks for taking the time to write a comment.  =)

February 9, 2012 9:11 PM