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Gmail Gadget for Method CRM has been released

Attention Google Apps and QuickBooks users!

Google Apps has rapidly become the destination of choice for small and medium sized companies looking for hosted email, online spreadsheets, and a shared calendar. Even at Method HQ we dumped our Microsoft Exchange server, switched to Google Apps, and haven't looked back. It's one less thing for us to worry about and maintain. 

Since Method CRM is made for small businesses using QuickBooks, it's no surprise that integrating with Google Apps has been a priority. After a successful beta period, I'm happy to announce that our Gmail Gadget has been released!


What it does

Method CRM now works where you work: right inside Gmail. The gadget does a lot of things, but here are some highlights to get your juices flowing:

An existing QuickBooks customer sends you an email
When you click on the email, the gadget displays the contact's phone number, address, balance, QuickBooks transactions, CRM activities, opportunities, cases and documents. Plus, it gives you the ability to add activities, follow-ups, cases, opportunities and documents without even leaving your inbox.

A new lead sends you an email
A couple clicks of later and you've created a new contact and assigned a follow up activity and opportunity. You can even create a new QuickBooks customer or vendor directly from your Gmail inbox!

A customer hasn't paid their invoice
Generate a link to include in your email response so that they can easily view and pay their invoice online through the customer portal.

A customer emailed about an issue they are experiencing
Easily create a case, and have the attachments from their email included. Plus, if you're using SmartVault, the attachments flow through to your SmartVault Toolbar in QuickBooks. Now that's automation!


What people are saying

"The MethodCRM google gadget is fantastic. We were expecting a simple way to move Gmail into our CRM. Our expectations were blown out of the water."
-Mark Crews via Google Apps Marketplace review

"This gadget was first released [in beta] just a couple of months ago and is already an awesome gadget with great features. I now use it throughout the day to record client emails as CRM activities and much more."
-Selwyn van Rooyen via Google Apps Marketplace review

"The gadget is a real time saver and a great extension of the Method Integration CRM system. If you are a QuickBooks and Google Apps user; adding Method Integration CRM and this gadget to your Gmail should be given some serious consideration."
-Randall Dickey via Google Apps Marketplace review


Next steps


We're proud to get this out to you. I think you'll agree that it's some of the finest work we've done. I'm especially excited with the feedback I've heard when talking to beta testers - never before have I heard the word "love" used so many times about a product I've been involved with - that's a really good sign we've done something right!

Oh, I should's FREE and included in your monthly Method CRM subscription!




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About Method_Paul

While studying at Queen's School of Business in 1999, Paul founded Alocet Incorporated, developing 'QXpress', which later became the top rated field service scheduling add-on for QuickBooks. Alocet Incorporated later went on to create Method Integration - an innovative small business management platform that allows users to create their own web apps for QuickBooks.